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Information: 46,300 sf // Owner: St. Andrew's Episcopal School // Architect: STG Design // Construction Type: New
Location: Austin, Texas (View Map)
We have had so many visitors from all over the state come to the Dell Fine Arts Center for tours. They are all so impressed with the professionalism of the building. We frequently hear, 'This is like a college Fine Arts Center!' Our students will have the opportunity to learn and perform in what is far and away the very best facility in the region. As one of our visual arts teachers said, and I concur wholeheartedly, 'At a time when budget cuts in the arts and education are in the news every day, there has never been a more important time to build this thoughtful project.'
-Lucy C. Nazro, Head of School, 1980-2012, St. Andrew's Episcopal School
Central Texas ABC Eagle Award
Engineering News-Record Award of Merit