Information: 60,398 sf // Owner: LIberty County Texas // Architect: Burns Architects // Construction Type: New
Location: Liberty, Texas (View Map)
After years of careful planning and public approvals, Liberty County, Texas has a new Sheriff’s Office and Justice of the Peace Annex. The two facilities, totaling 60,398 sf, will house the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office, Office of Emergency Management, Texas Rangers, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, along with Precinct 3 Constable and Justice of the Peace.
Sheriff’s Office is concrete slab-on-grade, concrete foundation, CMU walls, brick and CMU veneer, concrete tilt walls, conventional framed structural steel, and standing seam metal roofing. The site work includes concrete curb, paving and equipment pads, site lighting, sidewalks, parking area striping, flagpoles, utilities, landscaping, and screen walls.
Justice of the Peace/Precinct 3 Annex is concrete slab-on-grade, concrete foundation, CMU walls, brick, and CMU veneer, and conventional framed structural steel. The site work included concrete curb, paving and equipment pads, site lighting, sidewalks, parking area striping, flagpoles, utilities, landscaping, and screen walls.